Let’s assume that someone gave you $5M to invest in technology start-ups. Pretend for a moment that you’re an Angel investor or a venture capitalist with checks to attract passionate entrepreneurs. How should you spend the money?
There are five technology clusters that should attract your cash. The 5 clusters clamoring for money in 2017 and beyond appear below. Note the $’s: the more the better.
- Intelligent Systems Technology ($$$$$)
- Interaction Technology ($$$$)
- Small Software Technology ($$$)
- Sensor Analytics Technology ($$$)
- Cyber Security Technology ($$$)
Intelligent Systems Technology
Artificial intelligence (AI) is now embedded in a wide array of software applications, infrastructures, business rules, processes and even whole business models. IBM’s Watson is the face of popular “AI,” but intelligent systems technology encompasses so much more including deductive and inductive inference, deep learning, machine learning and the tools and techniques used to represent and process data, information and knowledge (such as neural network modeling) as well as the applications of the technology to a host of problems such as conversational speech, language translation, predictive analytics, diagnostics, autonomous vehicles, network management, weapons systems and augmented and virtual reality, among so many other applications that will affect us all.
The development, embedding and application of intelligent systems technology is accelerating and will continue to do so through 2017 and well beyond: place some bets here.
Interaction Technology
The way we interact with all things digital – and physical – is changing. We see and experience content virtually and through augmented reality. We use wearables to track ourselves, our heath, our friends, our transactions and just about everything else we do, see and hear. We allow location-based services to follow us around and we buy just about everything with applications on mobile devices. We converse with knowledge bases with relatively crude tools like Siri and Alexa, but within a few years we’ll be having “meaningful” conversations with increasingly intelligent assistants and – eventually – managers. In addition to voice interaction, we’re well on the way to gesture and other controls that mimic the way we interact with humans. Most of this is offered – not created – by users, but companies will avail themselves of the emerging and disruptive interaction technology that can improve productivity and cost-effectiveness. The interaction cluster is another excellent investment opportunity.