Yelp employee Talia Jane became an internet sensation last month for writing a blazing post criticising the company’s low pay and also its CEO. And as expected she was soon shown the doors. A recent survey by VitalSmarts, a corporate training and leadership company, found that 83 percent of people had seen someone make a blunder that had catastrophic results on their career, reputation, or business, and 69 percent admitted that they themselves had done something that had damaged their careers. 31 percent said it cost them a promotion, a raise, or even a job. 27 percent said it damaged a working relationship. 11 percent said it destroyed their reputation. (Also read: Deal With A Jealous Co-Worker By Scoring More Wins As A Team
While many of us know how things like sexual harassment can get you out of job, we often ignore smaller things that can sink our career. For instance, if you are constantly socializing, chitchatting about the latest videos or TV shows, you may become popular and be liked by one all. But it can annoy some, including your boss. Especially if it stops you from getting work done. And, there might be people who are so annoyed that they might take it up with the HR.
Paying attention to negative patterns in our approach to work is very important. We have to change our attitude and make corrections before it is too late. We all make mistakes at work. Most of the time, we are able to bounce back and move on, but in some cases it can cost us our jobs. Here are few mistakes that can ruin your career.
Consistently swiping in late
How many times have you told your boss that you are stuck in the traffic or that you had to visit a doctor? While most of us make lame excuses sometimes, citing reasons every day to be late can be really disastrous. If you drop in late consistently and have stopped caring about what other people say, you are ruining your career. Coming to work and meetings can be really disrespectful. Even if you are talented or very productive, it is important to spend the required number of hours in the office, unless your work profile is a flexible one.
Missing deadlines
Deadlines are important in most careers. Missing deadlines frequently can really create a bad image. Even if you do, it is better to communicate with your boss. If you avoid that, you will be deemed as unreliable. You will be considered as someone who is not efficient enough. If you feel there is too much work load and it is practically impossible to meet a deadline, it is better to talk it out. May be your boss will consider it. Companies are often forced to downsize due to slashed budgets and the first employees to go are those not performing up to par.
Posting on social media
Your posts on social media are often watched. If you think that your HR or boss is too busy to see your posts, you are mistaken. Putting your complaints out there for the world to see is never the way to go, especially when you have something to say about your job or your boss. Even if your boss hasn’t seen it, your colleague may send it across. A future potential employer might also see it and decide that you are not worth hiring. You should also never talk about your job offers on social media. Having a job offer doesn’t mean it is a sure thing, and if you break that confidentiality, your employer may see you as untrustworthy and take back the offer.
Delivering lesser than what you commit
When you are over-committing, you are building false expectations. Once expectations are built, you cannot go back. And when you deliver way less than what you promised, soon you will be branded unreliable. You will lose out on increments, opportunities and promotions. So, always make commitments that you can fulfill. Always having an excuse for under performance ruins your credibility and will make your co-workers think that they can’t trust you to do things right or deliver on time.
Talking badly about former employer
Many think that it is cool to talk badly about former employer. They think the current employer will be happy to hear anything and everything about former employers. Many in fact vent about former bosses on social media these days. This is absolutely wrong and can make you lose your job. Most companies take reference from previous employer, so always leave on good terms, act professionally and keep your opinions to yourself. In fact, you will be judged by the new boss as a gossip monger. Instead, talk with a trusted friend or family member to ease your frustration.