Micromax on Monday launched the Canvas Infinity Pro as its new 18:9 display featuring model in India. The Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro with a price tag of Rs. 13,999 will be exclusively available on Flipkart starting Wednesday, December 6 midnight. In August, the Indian vendor ventured into the market of bezel-less smartphones with the Canvas Infinity that was launched at Rs. 9,999.
The Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro features a 5.7-inch Full Vision display with HD (720×1440 pixels) resolution and 18:9 aspect ratio. The display panel is also claimed to have 450 nits of brightness. Under the hood, the smartphone has a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 SoC, paired with 4GB of DDR3 RAM and 64GB onboard storage. There is a microSD card slot to offer storage expansion (up to 128GB).
Micromax has provided a 16-megapixel camera sensor on the rear of the Canvas Infinity Pro along with an LED flash, while its front panel includes two camera sensors with 20-megapixel and 8-megapixel resolution. The smartphone also comes preloaded with features such as portrait mode, face beauty mode, auto scene detection, face gallery, and tale album. Additionally, there is a Super Pixel feature that combines multiple images to provide users with a higher resolution image.
Similar to the Canvas Infinity (review), the Micromax Canvas Infinity is equipped with a fingerprint scanner that is touted to unlock the screen in 0.2 seconds and can accept fingerprints with a 360-degree acceptance angle. The smartphone runs Android Nougat with a custom skin on top. There are also standard connectivity options such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Micro-USB. Besides, the handset packs a 3000mAh battery that is claimed to deliver 20 hours of talk time or 420 hours of standby time on a single charge.
“We understand that in the mid-premium range smartphones, consumers demand a complete package – a smartphone that has best in class cameras, a screen that is large enough for content viewing, a battery that doesn’t drain in a day and of course aesthetics that are a head turner. We truly believe that Infinity Pro is that package and our consumers will be delighted with the pricing as well. We are known to bring revolutionary products within the range of millions of Indians and this is another step in that direction,” said Shubhodip Pal, chief operating officer, Micromax Informatics, in a press statement.
Unlike the Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro, the previously launched Canvas Infinity had a Snapdragon 425 SoC, coupled with 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. The handset also had a smaller, 2900mAh battery. However, one thing that broadens the distinction between the two Canvas Infinity handsets is the dual-selfie camera that Micromax has provided on the newer model.
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