Health blogs are an integral part of the Global Wellness economy. And health blogs cover an immensely wide range of topics. From fitness to nutrition to wellness, to alternative therapies to mental health to beauty and longevity, to diseases, herbal remedies, allopathic treatment, natural healing, it’s all under health blogs. So they are a combination of fitness blogs, beauty blogs, food blogs and more. We all want to stay healthy and live longer!
Did you know that the Global Wellness economy is worth $4.5 Trillion, and growing! Between 2015 and 2017 the growth rate was 6.4% each year. What does this mean for anyone wanting to monetize or start their health blog?
It means that there is a huge opportunity. And the opportunity gets one step closer to becoming reality once you choose a niche and narrow your target audience down. But even if you are just trying to find good health blogs to follow, our selection is a quality list.
10 distinct categories make up the Global Wellness economy. And today I’m going to share 29 health blogs from the various sectors. Yes, that’s 29 awesome and amazing health blogs across the entire global wellness sector at your fingertips!
So whether you’re a health nut, searching for quality content, or a blogger who wants to start a health blog, there’s no need to use your valuable time hunting for reliable, content-rich health blogs and websites.
Let’s jump right in!
- 1 List of Health Blog Categories (that make up the Global Wellness Economy)
- 2 A Short Intro on Traditional, Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine Blogs (natural health, nutrition, and fitness blogs)
- 3 List of Best Blogs – 29 Best Health Blogs
- 3.1 Health Blogs by Natural Health Advocates
- 3.2 Medical Health Blogs (for Quick Referencing)
- 3.3 Health Blogs of Institutions and Organizations
- 3.4 Health Resource Blogs
- 3.5 Health Food, Fitness, and Nutrition Blogs
- 3.5.1 20. Kind and Keto (
- 3.5.2 21. Eating Well (
- 3.5.3 22. Wellness Mama (
- 3.5.4 23. LiveStrong (
- 3.5.5 24. Organic Authority (
- 3.5.6 25. Avocadu (
- 3.5.7 26. Travel Fit With Me (
- 3.5.8 27. Dark Knight Fitness (
- 3.6 Health Spa Blogs
- 3.7 Wellness Travel Blogs
List of Health Blog Categories (that make up the Global Wellness Economy)
These are the 10 categories that you’ll find in the Health Blogging Niche:
- Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine Blogs
- Private and Personal Medicine and Public Health Care
- Healthy Eating, Nutrition, and Weight Loss
- Physical Activity
- Personal Care, Beauty, and anti-aging (longevity)
- Wellness Tourism
- Wellness Real Estate
- Spa Economy
- Thermal/Mineral Springs
- Workplace Wellness
Below is an infographic, courtesy of the Global Wellness Institute. It shows the different health sectors within the global wellness economy, and what each sector is worth per annum. If you want to learn more on how to make money blogging, or how to make money online check out my articles.
Despite there being 10 categories, it’s almost impossible to sort the most popular blogs about health into separate sections because many bloggers cover more than one aspect of this booming and lucrative market.
A Short Intro on Traditional, Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine Blogs (natural health, nutrition, and fitness blogs)
The CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) sector includes natural health blogs, natural medicines, blogs on herbal and natural remedies, nutritional blogs (often advocating for certain lifestyle diets like paleo, keto, veganism, etc.), and fitness and nutrition.
Also, traditional medicine in America may refer to the treatment and procedures that you’d find in a hospital or a doctor’s room. But if you were in Africa, traditional medicine would refer to what the traditional healers use. Witchdoctors and herbalists are adept at prescribing the right herbs and potions for almost every ailment under the sun. So in these countries, the treatment you’d get from a hospital or doctor would be called Western, or allopathic medicine. Generally, traditional medicine refers to non-allopathic, or complementary, branches of healing. It also often refers to Chinese medicine, known as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).
Health Blog Categories
This category, like all the health categories, will overlap into other categories. There are health and nutrition blogs, fitness and health, health and wellness, holistic healing, alternative therapies, complementary medicines, integrative medicine, functional medicine, naturopathy, fitness and wellness. And more.
Other microniches in this genre will include blogs by CAM doctors, health and wellness practitioners, nutritionists, and many personal lifestyle bloggers as well as health and wellness coaches.
Doctors, who have written books, use blogging to promote their various offerings to the world. You’ll find that their blogs also cover herbs, nutritional and cosmetic health benefits, recipes, remedies, superfoods, different eating plans, and different dieting philosophies.
Some of these popular eating plans include:
- Ketotarian,
- pescatarian,
- vegan,
- non-vegetarian,
- paleo,
- whole30,
- gluten-free,
- suitable for diabetes,
- keto,
- vegan keto,
There are 100s of doctors, from many different medical disciplines, that have personal blogs. Their mission is to educate us on their specific schools of thought.
It’s always wise to research deeper before embarking on a new eating plan. This blogging niche is wide open for both professionals and charlatans to promote themselves. Discernment is a good habit to cultivate when navigating this vast and varied niche.
List of Best Blogs – 29 Best Health Blogs
Health Blogs by Natural Health Advocates
I chose the first 8 blogs because the founders all believe that what you eat determines how healthy you will be. They preach prevention is better than cure. Their ideologies may differ but they all believe in the body’s ability to heal, and they prefer natural cures over pharmaceuticals. Each one brings their version of how to eat healthily.
What they all have in common is that they are CAM practitioners, of various disciplines. Often these doctors get debunked by doctors in the private and personal healthcare sector. This is usually because they are competing against Big Pharma. These personal blogs have excellent articles guaranteed to be accurate.
Another commonality between these types of blogs is that the owners are all qualified practitioners, in one discipline or another. They all believe the best way to tackle the problems of obesity, heart disease, metabolic diseases, and diabetes, is to change the way you eat.
Let’s see what they are all about.
1. Dr. Perlmutter (
Dr. Perlmutter is the author of books like “Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat” and “Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life”. He is a neurologist and he believes that grains, gluten, and carbs have an adverse effect on the brain.
He advocates a keto eating plan as well as a gluten-free diet. And his blog fits neatly into the CAM health sector. He differs from others that promote these diets because his focus is primarily on brain health.
2. Dr. Mark Hyman (
Dr. Hyman is a practicing family physician. He’s also leading a health revolution! He’s internationally known as a speaker (he is the creator of numerous best podcasts), leader, educator, and best-selling author. He is an advocate in the field of Functional Medicine.
Functional Medicine focuses on restoring gut health and promotes a diet that is low in gluten, carbs, and sugar. Functional medicine teaches people to eat according to the “rainbow”.
Dr. Hyman hosts a health podcast called the Doctor’s Farmacy. He often appears as a guest co-host on the Dr. Oz Show. He’s also an advisor for the show.
3. The Noakes Foundation (
Dr. Timothy Noakes is a scientist and researcher. He specializes in the field of exercise physiology. He is an advocate of LCHF/Keto/Banting diets. The blog on this website has excellent health, and health news, articles.
Another part of the website is to promote the Nutrition Network – Changing medicine, One practitioner at a time. It is a learning and connection platform. This program is for health practitioners across all disciplines to learn and be involved with the research and science of low carb nutrition.
4. Dr. Will Cole (
The Future Of Natural Healthcare.
Dr. Cole is another Functional Medicine practitioner, author, and leading authority on Functional Medicine. He has authored two books, Ketotarian, and The Inflammation Spectrum.
The blog is a rich resource of reliable information on healthy eating, and common problems like inflammation. Dr. Cole took the keto diet and modified it to be vegetarian. This fits in perfectly with the global trend of plant-based eating. And Ketotarianism is a growing trend.
5. Dr. Axe (
Most fans of health blogs have probably come across Dr. Axe’s site. It is one of the high-ranking health blogs. It’s crammed with health news, fitness and nutrition advice, recipes, and natural health hacks, tips, and remedies. The blog also has beauty advice and an essential oils section.
Dr. Josh is a chiropractor, clinical nutritionist, and a certified doctor of natural medicine.
6. Dr. Mercola (
Dr. Mercola is an osteopathic physician, a natural health activist, and founder of He is also one of the few, but growing numbers, of doctors speaking out about the very real dangers of vaccinations. And the possible ramifications of having vaccinations “forced” on the general public.
His natural health blog covers breaking news, pets, food facts, fitness, and health articles.
7. Suzy Cohen (
“America’s Most Trusted Pharmacist”
Suzy Cohen graduated from the University of Florida College of Pharmacy in 1989. She no longer advocates for medicines and is now a Functional Medicine Practitioner. These days she’s a mom of 3, a health blogger and formulator of supplements (natural), with patents pending.
She sells her range of supplements and her books from her blog. Besides her blog posts, there are also healthy recipes on offer.
8. Holford Patrick
Patrick has over 35 years of experience in the health and wellness sector. He has authored 37 books that have been translated into over 30 languages. Known as a pioneer in the field of nutrition and supplements (natural supplements). And as the GI fundi of the health world.
Many of his books deal with glycemic index and glycemic load. This research revolutionized the way we look at blood glucose levels and was an introduction to how everyone can avoid and (sometimes) reverse diabetes just by watching what and how we eat.
Some of his book titles include:
- Say No to Diabetes
- The Chemistry of Connection
- The Optimum Nutrition Bible
- The10 Secrets of Healthy Ageing
Medical Health Blogs (for Quick Referencing)
The next batch of health blogs are popular and rank high. They are great for the average person who wants to find a few facts on nutrition. Or who wants to know what the symptoms are for various illnesses.
But these sites sometimes (not often) have incorrect information. Sometimes an article gets posted with an error. And because they are often used as references by lazy bloggers, the error gets passed on from post to post. And becomes the accepted “truth.”
For anyone starting a health blog, that is not a qualified practitioner, make sure your content is legit. You owe your readers accurate info. The blogs I selected below are usually error-free. But always check your sources.
My advice, for anyone looking for health facts, is to follow the links to studies that back up these health claims. But back to the blogs at hand!
You might know some of these blogs already. They are a mix of complementary and allopathic health information. But the focus is more on conventional treatments than alternative ones. And they advocate drugs as opposed to natural alternatives.
But they are easy to read and are great for people who don’t want much detail. Or are in a rush to look something up quickly. Some of these health blogs have too many ads and take a while to load but it doesn’t mean the blog posts are not a handy source of information.
They seem to dominate the rankings. Often this is because they are part of large media companies. This does not mean your future health blog has no chance of ranking high. It means you’ll need to get creative, be consistent, and persevere.
Let’s check these “conventional medicine” health blogs out!
This is a helpful blog for anyone who wants to check out symptoms and find a doctor or dentist. It also has an A-Z section with info on many minor and major ailments and diseases. The blog has these sections:
- Health A-Z
- Drugs and Supplements
- Living Healthy
- Family and Pregnancy
- News and Experts
10. Medical News Today
Today the Medical News Today is part of Healthline Media Uk. It’s one of the biggest health information sites in the US. Incidentally, the same contributors that write for medical News today also write for Healthline, below. They have over 70 million visitors to the site each month!
11. Healthline (
Healthline is a site covering “all facets of physical and mental health openly and honestly.” Over 100 professionals, covering over 50 specialties, contribute to this vast resource of evidence-based, person-centric, health information.
The 2 main categories are Topics and Tools.
Under Topics, you’ll find an A-Z of nutritional info. Here are some examples of blog post titles:
- Brainy Beauty: Can electrolytes really hydrate my skin?
- Can you reshape your nose with exercise? (I kid you not!)
- Does Medicare Cover Echocardiograms?
- 15 Face Washes for Acne and
- What is Social Media addiction?
There’s also an A-Z of symptoms, diseases, and injuries. From ADHD to Crohn’s Disease to IBS to cancer to the common cold, it’s all here.
The tools are:
- Symptom Checker
- Find a Dr.
- BodyMaps
- Health News
- Diabetes Mine
- Newsletters
12. Everyday Health (
They create content for, in their own words, “mobile-first millennials, desktop boomers, multitasking parents, concerned caregivers, wellness-conscious warriors, and symptom solvers.”
The blog is split into 3 sections, namely, Conditions, Healthy Living, and Health Tools.
Under the Healthy Living category, you’ll find the subsection “Health Topics”. It has an A-Z search bar so you can find what you’re looking for fast. There’s also Wellness, Food and Living, Drugs and Supplements, News and Alerts.
In the Wellness section are titles like:
- 7 ways to keep your immune system healthy
- What’s new in hearing technology?
- How a near-tragedy inspired the drug management app Medisafe.
13. Medicine Net (
This is a site filled with health and medical information produced by doctors. It is much the same as the 4 blogs I list above.
14. Kevin Pho (
This man has done exceptionally well in creating a leading web platform for practitioners and patients alike. He is focused on educating people as well as treating them. His site,, is an excellent resource. Contributors include physicians, advanced practitioners, medical students, nurses, and patients.
Health Blogs of Institutions and Organizations
These are health blogs and websites that promote institutions and organizations, often not-for-profit endeavors. The articles are authoritative and reliable. They cover all aspects of health care extensively.
15. Harvard Health Publishing – Harvard Medical School (
“Trusted Advice for a Healthier Life”
Harvard Health is the media and publishing branch of Harvard Medical School of Harvard University. It is jam-packed with excellent content that is “authoritative, trustworthy, and accessible.” The blog categories include:
- Heart Health
- Mood and Mind
- Pain
- Staying Healthy
- Cancer
- Diseases and Conditions
- Men’s Health
- Women’s Health
16. Mayo Clinic (
The Mayo Clinic is one of the largest not-for-profit academic health systems in the US. It brings in $14 billion annually and employs 65,000 people, including 4,700 doctors. Mayo Clinic operates in 5 states but heals people from all 50 states, and 140 countries.
The categories include:
- Patient Care and Health Info
- Departments and Centers
- Research
- Education
- For Medical Professionals
- Products and Services
17. Rasmussen College (
This website has a “health sciences” blog. Instead of focusing on health advice for the general public, it has articles aimed at people wanting careers in the medical, health, and wellness sectors. You’ll find blog titles like:
- 6 Enticing Reasons Why Becoming A Surgical Technologist Is Worth It
- Physical Therapy vs Occupational Therapy: Comparing Healthcare Fields
- What is Outpatient Surgery? Exploring 9 Common Procedures
Health Resource Blogs
These are not blogs but I’m adding them here because they are excellent resources for anyone writing content for health blogs. Rich with quality content and perfect to reference your articles. (With reviews and studies.) When blogging in the health blog niche you need to back your facts up. This not only builds a good reputation but it also shows readers you are thorough.
18. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (
This is an online journal where you can access full-text articles on almost every topic, in the health and wellness field, that you can think of. Like all good websites, has a blog.
Here are some examples of their blog titles:
- An interview with deep-sea biologist, Diva Amon
- Communicating science and inspiring audiences of different ages
- Three steps to breaking out of the Sci-Comm echo-chamber
19. Taylor and Francis Online (
Also called Global Health Action, this is an open-access journal that publishes peer-reviewed research on global health. The peer-reviewed research goes beyond health. They cover a wide range of issues, including Food Science and Technology and Environment and Sustainability.
In their own words, “Global Health Action aims to be a leading journal in the global health field, narrowing health information gaps and contributing to the implementation of policies and actions that lead to improved global health.
The journal seeks to contribute a concrete, hands-on approach to addressing the global health challenges brought to the fore by the impact of globalization. The journal intends to generate new knowledge and evidence where it is lacking, as well as to bridge the gaps between existing knowledge and the implementation of relevant findings.”
Health Food, Fitness, and Nutrition Blogs
Health Food Blogs get found in food blogging as well as health blogging niches. Fitness and nutrition blogs blend into this mix too. Another blogging niche that could fall under health blogs are mom blogs.
So here is a short list of successful health blogs in the food, fitness and nutrition, and mom blog genres.
20. Kind and Keto (
Matthew and Georgia have a blog that will teach you all the stuff you need to know if you want to try out vegan keto. At first, this eating plan may seem restrictive but when you get into it you’ll be amazed at how affordable and healthy this diet is.
Blog posts are fun, quirky and informative. The recipes are mouthwateringly delicious and easy-to-make. And the food photos, pure bliss!
You can use Kind and Keto as a directory to many other vegan /low-carb/veg sites. A great blog, with a lot of soul.
Kind and Keto is a firm favorite on Pinterest, where it’s described as Low-Carb Vegan recipes, (until vegan keto becomes more popular). Their Pinterest account has over 300,000 visitors per month!
21. Eating Well (
Eating Well started 25 years ago, as a magazine. Today, Eating Well is a content-rich, high-quality digital platform that will blow your mind. It has a superbly organized layout, but what really gets me is how much content has.
The magazine has its roots, and base, in Vermont home of fresh, organic, self-sustainable living. Today, a team of expert dieticians and nutritionists work alongside the editors, and Test Kitchen team, to develop and produce both excellent food and content.
You will find absolutely everything you can imagine in terms of meals, healthy food blog posts, recipes, and special diets. You’ll find the following sections, each one crammed with information that all foodies will LOVE!
- Healthy Recipes
- Weight Loss
- Special Diets
- Eatings Plans
- Health 101
They sell ready-made meals and cookbooks. And yes, you can get free digital cookbooks from them too!
22. Wellness Mama (
Katie Wells is a Nutritional Consultant, a Birth Doula, and a mom of 6! She has grown Wellness Mama into an enormous success. And it’s become the go-to resource for many women and moms who want to raise their kids in a healthy, natural way.
This wellness blog is an excellent example of how you can start a blog with nothing more than a passion, and develop it into a sustainable, profitable business.
Today, Katie has a whole team helping her to keep the blog current and filled with accurate, practical content. She also hosts the weekly Wellness Mama podcast where she talks about food, stress, sleep, toxins, fitness, and natural living. An excellent blog with actionable, hands-on advice, tools, and resources.
23. LiveStrong (
LiveStrong is part of the LiveStrong Foundation (Lance Armstrong coined the phrase). It’s one of the most popular and successful fitness and nutrition blogs on the web. They help people make informed decisions regarding health. Whether you want to
- Navigate new workouts
- Manage your weight
- Fuel your feeding habits with good food choices
- Try out healthy recipes
- Count calories (they have an app – MyPlate)
- And generally embrace an active, healthy lifestyle
You’ll find authoritative, trustworthy articles on everything to do with living your best life. LiveStrong has a strong focus on weight management so you’ll find a lot of tools, support, and resources here.
Laura and Jon Klein are the founders of the Organic Authority. They have grown their blog into a leading digital publication. Laura is a trained chef, specializing in organic health foods.
In Organic Authority’s own words, “Organic Authority is the leading digital publication that’s redefining what it means to live a conscious healthy lifestyle in America today. We obsessively cover the latest trends and news in food, seasonal recipes, nutrition, wellness, natural beauty, and more. By presenting our readers with the latest news, how-to’s, and delicious recipes, along with recommendations for clean, consciously-raised, and sustainably-made and sourced food, products and brands, Organic Authority is a trusted voice in an increasingly confusing world of options.”
This blog is awesome! They stay on track with the latest trends in food, seasonal recipes, nutrition, wellness, natural beauty, and lots more.
25. Avocadu (
Avocadu was founded by Cathy, Alex, and Lauren. Cathy’s health journey began over 12 years ago. The blog was created to fulfill the need for a healthier lifestyle. Both Cathy and her husband lost weight with healthy eating and lots of exercise. She believes that there is no one-size-fits-all diet. And the challenge is for each individual to find what works for them.
Avocadu’s blog has these categories:
- Weight Loss
- Yoga
- Recipes
- Healthy Living
- Supplements
- 21-day Challenge
- Yoga Fat Loss Bible
26. Travel Fit With Me (
Tim Walsh is a successful Fitness Coach that has helped 1000s of people get fit and healthy. He combines his love of adventure traveling with his career. Tim works with individuals to create tailor-made fitness programs to suit specific needs.
He created his blog to bridge the gap between fitness and travel, to show people that it’s possible to travel and still keep fit. His blog content is loaded with topics on fitness, nutrition, adventure, and motivation.
27. Dark Knight Fitness (
The target market for Dark Knight Fitness is primarily bodybuilders and gym fanatics. So it’s a pretty wide audience. Both beginners and veterans of the sport will find excellent tips on bodybuilding, nutrition, and fitness.
Here are a few examples of the blog titles on this well-laid out, easy to navigate blog.
- 7 Ways to Boost your Health
- 3 Lunch Ideas Perfect for Weight loss
- 8 Gym Rules I Wish Everyone Would Follow
- Strength Training vs Hypertrophy Training
- Will Alcohol Affect Your Level of Fitness?
Health Spa Blogs
The spa economy brings in $119 billion every year. Not too shabby! This next blog is a prime example of what you need to know if you want to enter this space as a health blogger.
To blog in this niche, it would probably be best, although not essential, if you actually own or run a health spa. Spa treatments are part and parcel of the beauty industry. But it also fits in perfectly as a health blogging niche because there are tremendous benefits that come from spa treatments.
28. Spa Wellness Consulting (
Sonja Sorich is the director of Spa Wellness Consulting. Since 2014, Spa Wellness has been providing “bespoke consultancy to day spas, health retreats, and other unique wellness businesses.”
This blog is a reflection of the years of experience and wealth of knowledge Sonja has accrued along her journey, professionally and personally. She has a background in personal fitness training and has taught classes in “yoga, pilates, dynamic fitness, and other movement modalities.”
Her home page has a shop, her portfolio, services, and blog headings. And the blog has excellent content with titles like:
- Defining Spas and Retreats
- Postpartum Health
- Women’s Wisdom
- Mysticism and Spa
- The Future of Spa
Wellness Travel Blogs
We are going to end off with a blog that showcases “wellness travel.” This is a niche within Health Blogs and there is definitely scope for more blogs that focus on travel and wellness combined. Wellness travel makes up one of the ten sectors of the Global Wellness economy.
Unless you are an avid traveler, and health nut, you may not have realized how much space there is in this market for a few more blogs. Just saying…
29. Travel to Wellness (
Spas and thermal springs have been used for centuries to heal and rejuvenate the body, mind, and soul. What could be more relaxing than traveling to exotic locations to experience natural spas and mineral baths around the world?
Travel to Wellness has all the information you need to decide where to go, how to get there,what you can do once you get there, and what it’s going to cost. The blog posts introduce you to beautiful, breathtaking locations throughout Canada and the US.
If you have never entertained the thought of visiting wellness retreats and spas, this blog will change your mind. Their “New and Noteworthy” category takes you to the best spas and hotels you can find. They also showcase natural spas in idyllic settings. The blog posts will get you packing your bags in no time!
Other sections on the site include:
- Spas – with features, reviews, tips, advice, therapies, and treatments
- Experiences – culinary, fitness adventures, other wellness experiences in top destinations
- Wellness Everyday – beauty, anti-aging, wellness tips and advice
- Good for the Road – product reviews
- Retreats and Vacations