Almost 21 million worldwide now have access to HIV meds
The number of people with HIV who take life-saving antiretroviral medications has…
Getting annual flu shot won’t weaken your immune system
There's no evidence to support the notion that people who…
Beware, your love for energy drinks may damage your health
A new review of current scientific knowledge on energy drinks…
Gut bacteria holds the key to solving Crohn’s disease
Fixing the balance of gut bacteria by introducing a specific…
Ladies, have you been stressed lately? You are at greater risk of obesity
Women, who have recently experienced one or more traumatic events…
New moms, take note: Breastfeeding could reduce eczema risk in children
Breastfeeding could reduce the risk of eczema in children, according…
Heart patients, beware: Heart attack ups dementia risk
A recent study has found that heart attack increased the…
Dear moms-to-be, make sure you have these 5 things in your bag when stepping out
Mothers-to-be today are constantly on their toes. During pregnancy not only is…
Running emerges as a trendy lifestyle option
The latest technological development and nature of jobs in India…
Switch to a lifestyle of peace, happiness, says Minister
The closing ceremony of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris’ 80th anniversary witnessed…