Tourist survives two-hour sea journey to NYC on a tiny piece of plywood
A LONDON tourist turned into a modern-day Gilligan when he…
Travel blogger reveals her least glamorous moments on the road
TRAVELLING ... if you believe everything you see on Facebook,…
30 best tips for staying safe while travelling solo
I’VE been known to travel to places that some people…
Drugs and alcohol on a plane don’t mix: How I delayed a plane full of people and got a free sandwich
I’M not exactly a confident flyer. So when I book…
Being a tourist in one of the world’s most dangerous cities
YOU know you’ve arrived in a dangerous place when the…
Why every young person should go on an oldies’ cruise
LAST month, I had the distinct pleasure of leading a…
What it’s really like in Antarctica — especially during winter
ANTARCTICA is on the top of everyone’s bucket list these…
Woman’s incredible tale of gap-year in Africa sparks global outrage
IT SOUNDS like a movie plot line: a rich and…
Hitchhiker’s guide to travelling without money
A THRIFTY traveller who hitchhiked through 50 countries has revealed…