British electric bike and lifestyle brand GoZero Mobility announced its foray into Indian market with the launch of two electric bikes Mile and One priced at Rs 29,999 and Rs 32,999 respectively. The Birmingham-based firm has tied-up with Kolkata-based Kirti Solar to develop and manufacture current range as well as future products. As a part of the association, the latter has invested US$ 250,000 in GoZero Mobility. Manufacturing is going to take place from Kolkata, West Bengal with an initial capacity of 20,000 units per annum. The partnership is for the global market & aimed to make India as an export hub for global sales of GoZero E-Bikes.
“With the significant focus by the Indian government towards electric mobility, especially two-wheelers, we see this as an appropriate time for us to be here,” GoZero Mobility CEO Ankit Kumar told reporters while unveiling the products. Both the products are meant for India, Africa and South-East Asia, he added. On sales target, he added, “We anticipate selling 3,000 units in the first year and scale up to 75,000 in the next five years.” In domestic market, the company would come out with premium retail outlets to sell its products, he added.
While GoZero One is powered with 400Wh lithium battery pack optimized to provide 60 Kms of range on single charge, GoZero Mile is powered with 300Wh lithium battery pack which provides 45 kms range. The company has claimed in its release that both the products are specialized performance e-bikes providing optimum stability and comfort and come with multi-modes of operation giving users freedom to choose the way of riding – Throttle, Peddle Assist, Cruise Mode, Walk Mode and Manual Peddle. It is also firming up plans to launch other models like DelivR, One W and Zero Smart in India, the UK and Europe.
“We aim to have three such centres in Delhi, Kolkata and Guwahati in next few months. In the next three years, we are aiming to have around 18 such experience centres,” Kumar added. The company also plans to have a network of over 1,000 retailers in the next two years.
GoZero will also sell its signature range of lifestyle merchandise designed in the UK, which includes sweatshirts, jackets, belts, and wallets, among other products from the outlets, he added.
Commenting on its India entry and plans for this market, GoZero Mobility CEO, Ankit Kumar said “With the significant focus by the Government of India towards Electric Mobility especially 2-wheelers; we see this as an appropriate time for us to be here. E-bikes globally is playing a major role allowing the user to commute faster and contribute towards curbing pollution & reducing traffic congestion. In last few weeks, we have seen the worst of AQI in cities like New Delhi, this is an alarming situation and requires immediate attention. We see E-bikes to play a major role in transforming the way we commute in India. GoZero Mobility is determined to offer products with optimum performance and create a green-way to commute.”