If you are one of the many millions of people who work from home, or you’re wondering if this kind of arrangement would work for you, then the first thing you need to consider is the space you will be occupying and what you need to do to make it a welcoming and productive working environment. There are some very clever ways of fitting in an office desk into even the smallest of spaces, and plenty of ideas for efficient storage and retrieval systems, so even if you are very restricted on room, you should find an option to suit you.
IT systems
As high a specification of computer as you can manage will be a worthwhile investment, as you will be making constant use of it. PC or Mac, laptop, tablet; these are all personal choices according to what you are most comfortable using. Positioning your router near your desk will give you the strongest signal, and if you have fiber broadband in your area, your speeds will be greatly increased. Always invest in the highest level of security and virus protection you can, to avoid hacking and other disruptive practices. The more files and records you can store securely online, the less storage space you will need in your office. Online storage is definitely more efficient, both in terms of filing and retrieval. If you use cloud storage, you’ll be able to access your data from wherever you are, and clients can be provided with log-in details to view their accounts if that is appropriate for your business. Backing up your data is essential, and you should check any cloud service for security protocols and their own backup systems, to ensure you aren’t at risk of losing your data for any reason.
Other requirements for your home office
A functional desk will be your key piece of furniture, big enough to house your computer and leave room for active files, work in progress, notepads,and stationery. You should also invest in an ergonomic office chair to provide you with optimum comfort and support whilst you are sitting at your desk. A multi-function printer that can do color and back to back, as well as scanning and photocopying will be your best bet, plus consumables like ink or toner cartridges and paper. Keep a supply of basic stationery like notebooks, rulers, rubbers, pens and pencils, sharpeners, holepunch, folders, sticky tape dispenser, and any other items you might have a need for. You might also want to add coasters to protect your desk, an in-tray and possibly out-tray, a recycling box, a shredder, laminator, and some USB storage devices. If you want to keep yourself exercising while you work, get an under the desk exercise machine, so you can pedal while you work.
Making your home office a space that you feel happy and comfortable in is an important part of enabling you to work regularly and productively. Now you just need to get the work rolling in,and you’ll be living the homeworking dream.