Elizabeth Warren might not have made it onto the presidential ballot this year, but her fans will soon get a consolation prize: their very own Elizabeth Warren comic book.
“Female Force: Elizabeth Warren,” published by Portland, Oregon comics company Storm Entertainment, chronicles the Massachusetts senator’s journey from a working-class upbringing in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, to becoming Wall Street’s biggest foe in Washington, D.C.
The book follows some 70 previous titles penned to celebrate strong female figures in history and popular culture — a list that has included everyone from Sarah Palin to her sometime impersonator Tina Fey, from current White House tenant Michelle Obama to White House hopeful Hillary Clinton.
Elizabeth Warren takes a star turn as the hero of her own comic book.PHOTO: DARREN G. DAVIS/STORM ENTERTAINMENT
Warren’s uplifting story fits the mold set by previous editions, publisher Darren Davis told the Associated Press. “She’s a woman who has it all. She has the family. She has the career. She has a strong work ethic,” he said. “We thought she had a really strong story.”
Warren gained prominence in the 1990s as an expert on bankruptcy law at Harvard University. In 2008 she was recruited to help oversee the $700 billion bank-bailout package and later accepted President Barack Obama’s invitation to help design the fledgling Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. When congressional Republicans blocked Warren’s appointment to head the newly formed agency in 2011, she announced her candidacy for the U.S. Senate.
Since her election in 2012, Warren has proven herself a reliable thorn in Wall Street’s side, strenuously opposing any attempt to roll back aspects of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and regularly advocating for the breakup of the nation’s largest banks. That role has also won her the adulation of progressive Democrats all over the country, many of whom hoped Warren would run for president in 2016.
Neither Warren nor her office had any role in the creation of the comic. The comic retails for $3.99, and can be ordered fromwww.comicfleamarket.com or wherever eBooks are sold.
[source :-ibtimes]