When you realize you are in the wrong job, it can be scary, unsettling and overwhelming. Making a change is daunting, but it can be done. You just need to summon your courage, save money, and make a plan. So where to begin? Here are the first steps you should take when you are making a career change:
Take Stock Of Your Skill Set
Make a list of skills required for your desired profession, then make a list of your skills that apply, and think about what you are missing and how you can fill that gap. Are they soft skills? Are they technical skills? Do you need to go back to school? These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself as you consider a career transition.
Evaluate Going Back To School
The decision to go back to school should not be made lightly, it is a huge investment and may not be necessary. There are certain professions like medicine and law where that are not negotiable, but for most careers it is not necessary. Maybe you will want to take a class or two, but make sure it is a worthy investment, and will bring a lot of value to the trajectory of this new career. Do some research and reach out to people in the field, because taking a class or going back to school may be an unnecessary expense, or it could be a paved path to your career change.
Reach Out To People
Talk to your family and friends and see if they know anyone who can help you. Cold email people you admire in your desired industry and ask if you can buy them a cup of coffee for 15 minutes of their time for an informational interview. Though a lot of recruitment is done online, personal relationships are still a valuable currency in the job search process, so try and make as many substantive connections as you can. Informational interviews may be your best to tool to learn as much as possible about your new field and a potential avenue to land a job in it.
Ask Yourself The Right Questions
After evaluating your skill set, sit yourself down and consider if it is really your job that is the problem: could it be your employer? Your co-workers? Maybe some other aspect of your life that is not going well? Making a career transition is a risky business—one that is very worth it for the right career. Just make sure you know you want to pursue that path, and that you have come to the right conclusion about the direction of your career.
Make A Plan
Once you are sure, make a plan: save money, make a timetable, set goals for each week, month, quarter, six-months and a year, start reaching out to people, etc. Anthony Bourdain once said, “Hope is not a business plan,” and you need to treat your career transition like you would treat a business plan: you are in the business of changing your career.