My fascination with Cryotherapy all started in the south of France a few months ago, while at the spectacular Thermes Marins Spa in Monte Carlo. Wealthy guests were lining up for a chance at freezing themselves at a cost of $100 for two minutes. The treatment was touted as a way to procure relaxation, reduce stress, improve sleep disorders and dramatically improve jet lag. But cryotherapy was first developed in physical medicine for three main conditions; to help athletes recover and improve their performance, to prevent relapses for different illnesses and in the treatment of muscular and inflammatory pathologies. The anti-aging virtues of extreme cold have been known for a long time in Nordic and Eastern countries for rejuvenation and as an apparent fountain of youth.
It wasn’t until at the recommendation of several celebrities, I started a diet treatment in Los Angeles with well-known Lifestyle Medicine Specialist Dr. Joe Raphael. Dr. Joe started me on a simple routine of losing weight utilizing low calorie protein shakes while maintaining a restricted but sensible diet. I quickly discovered how celebrities like Christine Aguilera were able to lose weight so quickly and safely, and have been a devoted disciple of Dr. Raphael ever since.
While working out was part of the follow up to the diet, I found that my joints were not recovering well and I was often in pain going up and down stairs. Dr. Joe referred me to the Cryohealthcare Clinic in Beverly Hills to basically freeze my pain away. I had read for some time how popular the clinic was with numerous famous celebrities and major athletes including Floyd Mayweather and the professional dancers from the ABC-TV series “Dancing with the Stars.”
I decided to give it a try and scheduled a visit. When I arrived I was met with three supermodels, (well in my mind they appeared to be supermodels), in fact they were the owners; Medical Director and Co-Founder Jonas Kuehne, M.D, his wife Emilia Kuehne and brother Robin Kuehne, both Co-Founders and Managing Partners. Tan, fit, incredibly vital and energetic, this was the dream team that I wanted to treat my worn out and aching body.
Cryohealthcare is the only company in the U.S. to feature a single-person Cryosauna, a Walk-In Cryochamber, and local cryotherapy devices in their office. Cryohealthcare was among the first companies to bring Cryotherapy to the United States in 2009. Dr. Kuehne graduated from UCLA School of Medicine (’03) and was the first physician to introduce this alternative non-medical treatment in Northern America with the company’s headquarter in Los Angeles. Dr. Kuehne also developed and trademarked the CryofacialTM treatment and set standards in positive results and safety since their introduction.