The Institute is designed for any campus official who is charged with leading internationalization on their campuses.
The Institute for Leading Internationalization is designed to improve the effectiveness of anyone who has a critical role in advancing internationalization on their campus.
Who Should Attend
The Institute is ideal for:
- Those who have been formally designated as the leader for internationalization on their campus, typically known as the senior international officer.
- Those who are leading internationalization from within a single campus unit, such as a professional school.
- Deans or associate deans who have internationalization in their portfolio of responsibilities.
For some institutions, a combination of these individuals may be appropriate, and teams are encouraged to apply.
The Program
Participants who complete the Institute will be able to:
Apply a comprehensive, versatile model of internationalization to the unique challenges and opportunities at their institution.
Work more effectively with their executive leadership by acquiring a more strategic approach to internationalization.
Raise the visibility and importance of internationalization by integrating it into their institution’s mission and goals.
A team of seasoned international experts, provosts, and presidents will serve as faculty, leading participants through simulations, case studies, and small group discussions.
Application Process and Registration
- Registration includes all instruction, materials, breaks, and meals while the Institute is in session. It does not include hotel rooms, ground transportation, or airfare. Hotel rooms are available at a discounted rate.
[SOURCE :-acenet]