, the official website of Apple distributors in India, has announced that the iPhone XSand iPhone XS Max will be available for purchase in the country with low-cost EMI schemes. Apple had announced the new iPhone variants earlier this month, and the pre-orders for the two flagships are already open in India. While the iPhone XS lineup will soon be available for purchase via Airtel, Jio, and Flipkart, they have also been listed with EMI offers on the site run by Apple-authorised distributors. However, interested buyers will have to pre-book the smartphones in order to avail the deal.
The IndiaiStore platform shows an EMI calculator to enable users to calculate EMI and Effective Monthly Cost for transactions. Under the scheme, the iPhone XS (64GB) will be available for purchase by paying Rs. 4,499 per month for 24 months. The rate of interest charged on the phone brings the price to Rs. 1,07,976 from the MRP of Rs. 99,900. The iPhone XS (256GB) will be available for purchase by paying Rs. 5,175 per month for 24 months. The rate of interest charged on the phone brings the price to Rs. 1,24,200 from the MRP of Rs. 1,14,900. On the other hand, the iPhone XS (512GB) will be available for purchase by paying Rs. 6,076 per month for 24 months. The rate of interest charged on the phone brings the price to Rs. 1,45,824 from the MRP of Rs. 1,34,900.
Likewise, buyers will have to shell out Rs. 4,999, Rs. 5,678, and Rs. 6,587 per month for 24 months for the 64GB, 256GB, and 512GB storage options of the iPhone XS Max, respectively. Also, the rate of interest charged on the phone variants brings the prices to Rs. 1,19,976, Rs. 1,36,272, and Rs. 1,58,088, down from Rs. 1,09,900, Rs. 1,24,900, and Rs. 1,44,900 respectively.
Notably, the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max will become available to buy in India from September 28. The IndiaiStore site is running a countdown to the release of the two handsets. The site notes that the low-cost EMI for the 24-month tenure includes an additional 5 percent cashback on Axis Bank credit cards and Citi credit cards. Buyers can also avail 5X reward points on all non-EMI transactions, as announced in other pre-order offers. The company noted that the additional cashback is valid over and above the best available price at the retail store. Also, you will get the cashback within 150 business days from the date of the transaction.
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