The Karnataka CET result 2017 will be announced on May 30. Students have to be very careful while filling the forms. Minor errors can turn out to be career destroying mistakes for students,” Govind Jadhav, CET resource person from KEA, said in Bidar on Saturday. He was addressing students at the CET career guidance session organised by The Hindu at the GND Engineering College.
We have seen several cases where students who do not understand the various categories. Students who have reservation facility under Article 371-J as they are residents of Hyderabad Karnataka, but do not choose the appropriate category on the application form. Then they come with copies of 371-J certificate to the seat selection session and seek reservation. But at that stage, no one can help them, Jadhav said.
Some students who claim reservation under OBC category that requires income certificates as evidence, fail to produce relevant certificates. They mark some category on the form, but bring documents for some other category. Such things can create a lot stress for students and parents during the selection process, Jadhav also said. He asked students to study the CET brochure properly and fill the mock application forms before filling the original. Common mistakes: Some students choose popular colleges, without thinking whether their ranks would qualify them for admission to those colleges. Some students give away their login IDs and passwords on the Karnataka Examination Authority website, only to see that it is misused. Don’t share them with anyone. If you are forced to do so, please share them with a family member or any other reliable person. Gather enough information about colleges before choosing them. Don’t go to a college just because it is in Bengaluru. Some colleges in the capital are good, while it has some that are really bad. Choose a college that has the best of these resources. The best bet is to visit the college that you want to spend the next four years.