THERE’S nothing worse than going on a first date with someone who has no sense of humour.
You tell your wittiest anecdotes, make your sassiest observations, and do just about everything short of a tragically elaborate dance with your cutlery – and nothing. Nada. Not even a smile.
From then on, the rest of the night plummets into awkward, humourless silence, and you go home single and sexless. Ah, the joys of dating.
If you’ve had the misfortune of experiencing this, you may have beaten yourself up over it. However, a recent study by Australian dating site has found the problem may be your location, rather than your (obviously hilarious) sense of humour.
The study examined anonymous data pooled from 66,481 Australians who used the site, and compared them geographically by how strongly they agreed with the statement ‘I can often make others laugh’.
Congratulations, single Sydneysiders – you were found most likely to have a great sense of humour!
Melbourne came in second place, followed by the Gold Coast and then Perth.
Where do Australia’s funniest singles live?Source:Supplied
The study also examined who was funnier by gender. Women in Sydney, the Gold Coast and Newcastle were found to be funnier than their male counterparts. Comparatively, the men of Melbourne, Perth and Coffs Harbour were seen to be more amusing.
So, why does this even matter?
Humour is integral to attraction. A good sense of humour is seen as one of the most important characteristics in a male partner.
Researchers at the University of Kansas last year found that humour is an integral part of “sexual selection”, with women in particular appearing more attracted to men who make them laugh.
Their study found that men and women who laughed simultaneously were more likely to have a romantic attraction to one another.
EliteSingles psychologist Salama Marine said: “Laughing together is probably the best sign of a healthy relationship for a couple.
“Humour and self-mockery definitely help to forge happy memories and the ability to make each other giggle with just a glance creates a strong friendship between two people.”
[SOURCE :-news]