A Facebook post shared by US resident Deena Shoemaker has gone viral, after she shared her images wearing three different pairs of shorts or jeans – each sized 5, 6 and 12 that fit her perfectly.
Shoemaker, who works as a counsellor for teenage and pre-teen girls, said that she has had girls come up to her to share their new diet fads. “I’ve had girls sob in my arms and ask me, ‘If I were skinnier, would he have stayed?’ I’ve counselled girls who were skipping meals. I’ve caught some throwing up everything they’ve just eaten,” she wrote in her post.
In her post, that has been shared over 84,000 times, Shoemaker says that as she was going through her clothes she noticed how dramatically different the size of all her pants were. “I have a real problem with the fact that my size 5 pants fit me THE EXACT SAME WAY that my size 12 pants do,” she wrote.
Elaborating on why she was angry, Shoemaker accused magazine houses of using Photoshop to touch up models and actresses before putting them on magazine covers. “It’s a pretty universally known truth that you’re lying to us and those aren’t accurate portrayals of the human body. I can prove it to girls pretty easily by simply showing them how Photoshop works,” she added.
The problem, Shoemaker said, was when companies begin resizing girl’s pants from 9 to a 16 and label it “plus size.” “How am I supposed to fight that? Photo manipulation is one thing but how do you expect me to convince her that the number printed inside her clothes is a lie too? How do you expect me to convince her that she doesn’t need to skip dinner for the next month because her pant size didn’t *actually* go up by seven digits?” she said.